of 1,857 MPa (EN ISO 178) for HT carbon fiber and
of 1,678 MPa (EN ISO 178) for HT glass fiber optimizes the stability of the root construction.
Homogeneity of the root construction
The fiber composite materials have an elastic behavior that is more similar to that of dentin than that of titanium or zirconium, for example. The root post, composite and residual tooth thus form a more homogeneous unit that supports the stability of the construction.
Functional post
The shape of the post consists of a double cone. In the head area, rounded retentions support bonding with the composite and they also serve as anti-rotation. In the apical region, spiral-shaped grooves provide decompression and retention.
Micro retentive surface
Exatec, Cytec, and Contec differ from other root posts in the special mesh structure of the post. This micro-retentive surface supports the adhesive bond between the post and the resin (bonder/composite). The result is a secure fastening – even without the use of a silane – quite simple and efficient.
HAHNENKRATT GmbH was the first company in Germany to offer a carbon fiber root post back in 1995. This was followed in 1998 by the first root post made of quartz fiber. At IDS 2001, we introduced the new Cytec root post system, made with HT carbon fiber or HT glass fiber root posts.
As the demand for carbon fiber root posts has decreased considerably in recent years for aesthetic reasons, we no longer offer the Cytec & Contec as carbon fiber posts but only as glass fiber posts. The white, semi-translucent root posts made of HT glass fiber provide you with the basis for esthetically successful restorations.