Dental Lab Ceramic Peg Single Teeth Burning Rack
Our ceramic firing peg used for holding crowns and bridges while in the dental lab porcelain furnace
Porcelain Pillow
It is a versatile stabilizer in the cake structure that turns into porcelain after firing. It does not stick to the crown after firing. It does not create negative effects on porcelain. Wing bridges are the perfect fixer on other crowns. Allows the crown to be fixed on the model. Allows crowns that are at risk of falling out of the model, such as loose crowns or lower anterior members, to be fixed to the model. It creates a straight welding line by preventing the weld from flowing into the crown in welding works. Since there is no gas outlet, 100% successful welding result is obtained. There is no problem in base paste and opaque stages. It can be used in all zirconium processes.
- Perfect stability
- Interlocking with absolute precision for exact positioning
- Can be fired up to 2200°
Style: Four different shape
Color: Pink
Model: Anterior - Premolar - Bicuspids - Posterior.