Contact + Gold
Instruments for contact point reconstruction
An ideal and consistent contact point is with Contact Gold! The instrument assists in defining the shape and position of the proximal contact point in Class II Restorations.
The kit contains two instruments: one for conservative cavities (S) and one for wide cavities (L). Each instrument has two different ends, one for mesial cavities and the other for distal cavities.
Just the simple application of force in the direction of the adjacent tooth and you are done: you get the ideal and consistent contact point! Contact point in just 3 steps!
- After inserting the matrix and wedge system, insert the resin into the cavity (interproximal wall).
- Position the Contact Gold against the matrix and the adjacent tooth.
- Light-curing the resin by keeping the instrument in position.
- Kit with 2 instruments.
- An instrument for wide cavities (L) and another for conservative cavities (S).
- Each instrument has one end for use on the distal face and one on the mesial.
- Transparent instruments, excellent conductors of light.
- They Make it easy to get the contact point.
- Does not adhere to composites.
- Autoclavable.
- The light-curing of the resin occurs at the same time that the instrument remains in position.
- Contact point in just 3 steps, much faster.