High adhesion in different forms of application : Self-etching, selective-etching on enamel or total-etching.
Adhesion to different types of surface : Metals, ceramics, CAD/CAM composite and intracanal posts.
Perfect for intracanal application:
High adhesion rates in the intracanal region;
Better polymerization even in the apical region;
Greater compatibility with dual cements.
Enhanced MDP : In Ambar Universal APS, the MDP is more reactive, which has been achieved by redistributing the concentrations between solvents, water and acidic monomers. This higher reactivity increases the adhesive capacity to dentin (mainly without previous acid etching) and indirect substrates, besides providing adhesive film stability.
BPA-free : Ensures safety and health.
Colorless aspect : Does not interfere on the esthetics of restorations and cementations.
1 bottle with 5ml of adhesive.